Newcomers are always welcome, and the road to Sconnish citizenship is simple and painless.
So that you may be completely satisfied that the Kingdom of Scone is a community that you will be happy to belong to, we ask that you agree to a short probationary period during which time you will be quaintly classified as a "Ward-in-Chancery." Following this brief "getting to know you" period, if you remain resolved to become a Sconnish subject, you will be asked to affirm as much and to subscribe to the Affirmation of Loyalty. At that point, all the rights and privileges of a Sconnishman will be accorded you.
To become a citizen, please fill out our citizenship application form located HERE
In accordance with the Charter of Scone Act 2014 and the Enrollments Act 2014, all lawful Sconnish subjects, following their initiation, are to be registered as freemen of a borough of one of the Kingdom's five county administrative divisions. To follow is a listing of current Sconnish subjects by county and borough:
Borough of Greenwood
Bactad, Mr. Clark
Belmont, Simon, Earl of
Bergen, CHM, CSP, David, Duke of (Lord-Lieutenant)
Ferguson, Bt, Sir. A
Fuchs, Kurt Mr.
Hinson, Bt, Sir D.
Moreira, Bt, Sir C.
Paul of Chandernagor, Ritoban Baron
Pryor, Mr. R.
York of Hamilton, CSP, KC, James, Viscount
Borough of Glennainburgh
Gisbert-Madziar, Bt, Sir S.
Hawkins, Bt, Sir G. (Portreeve of the Borough of Glennainburgh).
Lowndes, John Mr.
Marly, CKE, GCSP, Michael, Duke of (Lord-Lieutenant)
Robinson, Sir. J. R.
Thurmont, Ryen Viscount of.
Borough of Heathminster
Bekkenhuis, Bt, Sir W.
Benichou, Mr. N.
Bracebridge of Heathminster, CHM, Bn, Char-Lez, Earl (Lord-Lieutenant)
Carleton of Quincent, KC, Bt, Emmanuel, Baron
Elmezoughi, Mr. S.
Holmes, Ms. B.
Sanders, Sir. J. J.
Vincent, Mr. Sa
Borough of Breninton
Bradley,Bt, Sir Martin
Fensome-Kemp, Robert Baron
Kennedy, Bt, Sir J.
Pollock, Bt, Sir A.
Portela, Bt, Sir. E.
Stirlington, Lucy Rose, Countess of (Lord-Lieutenant)
Lexington of Greatforest, Bt, Sanyog, Baron
Borough of Kingston
Liu-Lecomble, Mr. John
Avebury, A.P., Marquess of (Lord-Lieutenant)
Rockcliffe, Joshua, Earl of
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